Let's start here for our first blog post... our personal little mascot and logo! We display it proudly on everything we can. Do you know what it is? It's the moon! For those of you that don't know (most people do though) Luna is Spanish for moon! So we've tried to base our business surrounded with items that show it off. Now, when we say we are a family business we mean we are a family business. Everyone in the family has contributed in some way, shape, or form to the business and since we're talking about our logo I'll give you the 411 on where he came from!! So like I said we wanted to incorporate our last name into the newest addition to the family catering business which is our food truck. We debuted Memorial Day weekend 2020! Not long before that our nameless logo was created by 2 special family members. Jarryd Luna and Amanda Rodriguez! Jarryd is our pit master Frank's 2nd oldest son and Mandy she's our niece, the daughter of our beloved late sister Mary Ann. Although our mom and dad established our catering business our sister made big sacrifices to run it with mama when it started to grow and she is an inspiration each and every day we walk into our catering kitchen! Now, back to our logo creators... Amanda is an amazing artist and Jarryd has a vision of what something could and should look like to catch peoples eye! So together these 2 cousins collaborated during their free time and the end result is our logo today! Like I said it's currently nameless... we can't quite decide on a name for it, nothing has really popped and stuck when we throw our ideas around. So what do you think? Do you have any ideas what we should name him or her? Comment below and who knows if we like your idea we'll reach out to you and let you know!